Our experienced and caring Doctors provide comprehensive, and high quality services including:

Should you require after hour (non-emergency) medical attention, we offer after hour phone consultation for our regular patients between 6pm and 10pm.

COVID warning message

For the safety of other patients – especially the vulnerable in our community – please book a Telehealth appointment if you are experiencing any respiratory symptoms e.g runny nose, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, fever >37.5 degrees, loss of taste, loss of smell or headaches

Our doctors are technologically savvy and experienced in providing Telehealth consultations via video and telephone.

Telehealth bookings can be made online or by speaking with our friendly staff on (02) 4842 1575

Please note that Medicare will only provide rebates for Telehealth in instances where (i) the patient has seen the consulting doctor within the preceding 12 months or (ii) the patient has been to the practice within the last 12 months. (Iii) the patient is in COVID-19 isolation because of a State or Territory public health order (iv) the patient is in COVID-19 quarantine because of a State or Territory public health order.

If none of these criteria is met, our doctors are still able to provide Telehealth consultations. However, such consultations will be fully paid for by the patient and no Medicare rebates will be claimable in such instances.


Government funded vaccines, eg childhood vaccinations, are provided at no cost. Other vaccinations are available at our practice but will incur a cost, this will be discussed with the nurse or the doctor during your appointment. In some instances, arrangements can be made in advance with your doctor to obtain a prescription for the vaccine before your appointment.

Worker compensation, insurance and occupational health

We ONLY bill WorkCover directly if you have a letter accepting your claim, with a claim number and billing information. In the absence of such a letter, you will be required to pay for the consult and seek reimbursement from your employer or WorkCover.

Communicating with doctors

Our doctors prioritise patient consults in the practice and as such unable to receive or return phone calls. Given that patient concerns are best addressed with a consultation, we encourage you to book a phone or video consult at your convenience. Some conditions will require face-to-face appointment and your doctor may advise you during a telehealth consult.

Referrals, certificates and repeats

If you require certificates, referrals, or repeat scripts, kindly make an appointment with your Doctors As practitioners have a duty of care to ensure that medications and referrals are given as appropriate. A short consultation is required for this review.
Such appointments be made on the day if urgent.

Feedback and complaints

We appreciate your feedback. If you have any comment or complaint, you are welcome to provide this feedback via the Patient Feedback Form available at Reception.
If your preference is to provide your feedback outside the practice, kindly use our online form (select Feedback/complaints from the list) or email admin@wallacesmc.com.au.


At Wallace Street Medical Centre run an appointment-based system. You can book an appointment with your preferred doctor by phoning the practice or online via HotDoc. Urgent medical problems will be dealt with promptly, kindly notify the receptionist. Appointments are made at 15-minute intervals. When making your appointment kindly inform our receptionist if you need extra time.

We endeavor to keep to the appointment schedules as we would not want to keep anyone waiting. However, given the unpredictable nature of medical practice, doctors sometimes run behind time despite best intentions. This is often because a patient requires urgent and unexpected medical attention. We sincerely regret any inconvenience caused to patients when we fall behind with our appointment time. Be however rest assured that you will be given the time you deserve

If you no longer require your appointment, we would appreciate you calling to cancel at least 2 hours before the appointment time so the time can be made available to other patients. If you do not give us 2 hours’ notice, or you do not attend your appointment you will be charged a fee ($40 for standard consultation, $80 for long consultation). Please note that you will be unable to see any of our doctors until the fee is paid.